Cat and Kitten Exams: What to Expect

When it comes to the health and well-being of your feline companions, regular pet exams are crucial. Whether you have an adult cat or a playful kitten, scheduling routine veterinary check-ups is essential for improving his or her health and detecting any potential issues early on. Before visiting Silicon Valley Pet Clinic & Urgent Care in Santa Clara, CA, learn what to expect during cat and kitten exams below.

Physical Examination

During the pet exam, our will conduct a thorough physical examination of your cat or kitten. This includes checking its eyes, ears, nose, and mouth for any signs of infection or abnormalities. We will also listen to its heart and lungs to assess its cardiovascular health and palpate its abdomen to check for any lumps or discomfort.

Vaccinations and Preventative Care

Part of the exam may involve updating your pet’s vaccinations to protect him or her against common diseases. Kittens, in particular, require a series of vaccinations to build up their immunity. Additionally, our veterinarian may recommend preventative care measures such as flea and tick prevention, deworming, and heartworm prevention, depending on your pet's lifestyle and risk factors.

Nutritional Counseling

Nutrition plays a vital role in your cat or kitten's overall health. During your appointment, we may offer nutritional counseling tailored to your pet's specific needs. We can recommend a balanced diet that meets your cat's nutritional requirements and address any concerns you may have about feeding habits or dietary supplements.

Behavioral Assessment

Cats and kittens can exhibit a range of behaviors, some of which may be indicative of underlying issues. Our veterinarian may discuss your pet's behavior with you and provide guidance on addressing any behavioral concerns, such as litter box issues or aggression. We can also offer advice on enrichment activities to keep your cat mentally stimulated and content.

Dental Health Evaluation

Dental health is often overlooked but is crucial for your pet’s wellness. We will examine your pet's teeth and gums for signs of dental disease, such as tartar buildup or gingivitis. Our veterinarian might recommend professional dental cleanings or provide tips for at-home dental care to improve your feline’s oral hygiene.

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

Regular exams are essential for keeping your cat or kitten healthy and happy. If you haven't scheduled an exam for your feline friend recently, contact Silicon Valley Pet Clinic & Urgent Care in Santa Clara, CA, at (408) 248-3844 today. We are dedicated to providing personalized care for your pets and ensuring they lead long and fulfilling lives. When you need a veterinarian near me, our team is happy to assist you!


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10:00 am-10:00 pm


What our patient say

  • "My dog Buster was in pain and wasn’t acting like himself. I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Gill ASAP. He did a remarkable job during the initial exam to diagnose the problem and recommend additional treatments/services to relieve the pain Buster was in. After doing X-rays and blood work it was determined my little guy was suffering from intervertebral disc disease."
  • "This place was awesome. They took such good care of my giant Rottweiler during an emergency. They even called the next day to check up on her. The price was reasonable too. Went back again and the treatment was great yet again. Love that they stay open late and open everyday. So convenient. Thanks guys for treating my girl as is she was family!"
  • "I’m planning to travel with my baby cat. In order to do that she has to do a Rabies Neutralization Antibody Testing from certified lab. I was lucky to reach out Dr. Gill. He explained to me throughly and helped me to get it done. I would recommend Dr. Gill to everyone who needs professional and friendly help on their loved pets."
  • "I’m very happy with the service and prices of the Silicon Valley Pet Clinic. I have gotten quotes from other vets around and SVPC offers the best value! I took my dog in to get some growths removed and get this teeth cleaned."
  • "My 16 yr old cat Pete had some green discharge coming from his eye. I recently brought a feral kitten in to care for that my cousin found. I figured that Pete probably got scratched in the eye from the little guy."
  • "I was very nervous to have her spayed, especially after going through an episode of Giardia. She has been dealing with poop that is not consistent and we are doing some probiotic treatment."